Saturday, August 31, 2019

Science and Toxic people

It's  very interesting how science is very similar to us in many ways to our behavior.
Like the Pathogens ( the bad organisms) that attack the body, organs and cells and bring disease.
All those Pathogenous, bacterias, viruses, parasites, hongos, "act the same way" as toxic people.
Like the Aerobes that require oxygen for aerobic celular respiration and use this oxygen to oxidize substrates (fat and sugars) to get energy.

The same way a toxic person needs our "energy" to "breath and keep reducing our health, joy and peace"
 Nothing is well or good for those "Pathogens" and they are always in a very bad mood and the only thing they know and can do is to attack you to destroy you like a  "mortal virus" always changing for worst.

They are always complaining about everything all the time.
Even for the steam (water vapor) of the physics vaporization process when the water is boiling.
Crazy and hard to believe but this is true.

These people could be called or have "Helicobacter pylori", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae", "Neisseria meningitidis", "Staphylococcus aureus", "Streptococcus". "Protozoos", etc as a surname or a name.
Talking only about bacterias. All the rest apart.

So we must have a very good "immune system" for a self defense against these Pathogens.
Self love and self confidence not to allow them act against you.

No tolerance at all against them.
Zero tolerance against their rudeness and arrogance.

Also Physics has an important role in our lives, specially Newton's third law:

"For every action, theres is an equal and opposite reaction".

If someone is kind and lovely, be the same or more.
If someone is rude and arrogant, be much more.

Well, this is my own lay.

This is the only "language" they are able to understand in their arrogance.
So never try to talk to a toxic person, a terrorist or someone with no moral and ethical standards and patterns.
To love one another? Of course I agree.
 But much more important is to Respect
 But I also agree when Jesus himself said:

                                    "DO NOT CAST  PEARLS BEFORE SWINE".

It means not to waste your time and good things on people who will never appreciate them.
And this is something very intelligent and wise to say.

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