Sunday, March 31, 2024


The most toxic country in the world has so many deadly threats and dangers with an endless variety of highly poisonous bugs and animals that only the idea of ​​visiting it becomes terrifying.

Australia is a beautiful country, but full of hidden "wonders" in the countryside, on its beaches, rivers and in the cities as well.

There is an endless list of these deadly threats throughout the country, from the smallest and seemingly harmless terrestrial and aquatic animal, to great white sharks and giant marine crocodiles.

Some examples:

Land: All kinds of very dangerous spiders, such as Whistling's funnel spider, long-legged wolf, "Australian brown recluse", also scorpions, the most poisonous snakes in the world, "tiger snake", "brown snake or inland and yellow-bellied",  "taipan", "snakehead copper", to very threatening and dangerous ants, such as the Bulldog ant or "jack jumper", (Myrmecia pilolusa), Australian red ant, poisonous beetles, "blister beetles", (Meloidae) and a long etc.

Sea: White sharks, stonefish, extremely venomous, the most venomous and deadly jellyfish in the world, such as Chironex fleckeri or Australian Aguamala, box jellyfish, orizos, highly venomous sea snakes, such as Aipysurus apraefrontalis and Hydrophis major among others. They can be found along the sands of the coast resting or nesting.

Also many marine snails, such as the Conus, (textile), in addition to the weaver snail, of the genus Textilia eludens, Conus aulicus, Charonia lampas or newt snail, all extremely poisonous and very dangerous for humans.

The most poisonous animal in the world, of course, is also in Australia. The little blue ring dust. Its toxin is 1000 times more powerful than cyanide and there is no antidote.

It is said that only education, I mean, knowledge and respect for wildlife can free yourself from these dangers and "guarantee a safer coexistence in this environment."

All care is not enough if you are going to visit Australia. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for each occasion. Maritime shoes for walking on beaches, etc.

And respect the environment and do not touch absolutely any animal never ever, no matter how small and harmless it may seem to you.


El país mas toxico del mundo tiene tantas amenazas y peligros mortales con una infinita variedad de bichos y animales altamente venenosos que se hace aterrador la idea de visitarlo.

Australia es un bello país, pero lleno de peligros escondidos en el campo, en sus playas, ríos y en las cidades.

Hay una lista inteminable de esas amenazas mortales por todo el país,  desde el mas pequeño y aparentemente inofensivo animal terrestre y acuatico, hasta los grandes tiburones blancos y cocodrilos gigantes marinos.

Algunos ejemplos: 

Tierra:  Toda clase de arañas muy peligrosas, como, araña embudo de Whistling, lobo de pata larga, reclusa parda australiana, escorpiones, serpientes mas venenosas del mundo, serpiente tigre, serpiente marrón o taipán del interior y de vientre amarillo, serpiente cabeza de cobre, hasta hormigas muy amenazadoras y peliglosas, como la hormiga Bulldog o "jack jumper", (Myrmecia pilolusa), hormiga roja australiana, escarabajos venenosos, "blister beetles", (Meloidae) y un largo etc.

Mar: Tiburones blancos, pez piedra, extremadamente venenoso, medusas mas venenosas y mortales del mundo, como Chironex fleckeri o Aguamala australiana, box jellyfish, orizos, serpientes marinas altamente venenosas, como Aipysurus apraefrontalis y Hidrophis major dentre otras.  Pueden ser encontradas por las arenas de la costa descansando o anidando. 

También muchos caracoles marinos, como el Conus, (textile), además del Caracol tejedor, del género Textilia eludens, Conus aulicus, Charonia lampas o caracol tritón,  todos extremadamante venenosos y muy peligrosos para el ser humano.

El animal mas venenoso del mundo por supuesto, también está en Australia. El pequeño polvo de anillos azules. Su toxina es 1000 veces mas poderosa que el cianuro y no existe antidodo.

Se dice que solo la educación, o sea, el conocimiento y el respeto por la vida salvaje te puede "librar" de estos peliglos y "garantizar un convívio más seguro en este entorno". 

Todo cuidado es poco si vas a visitar Autralia. Usar ropas y calzados apropiados para cada ocación. Zapatos marítimos para caminar por las playas, etc.

Y respetar el medio ambiente y no tocar en absolutamente ningún animal, por mas pequeño e inofensivo que te pueda parece


Saturday, March 30, 2024


The empty materialism that leads most people to forget the true reason for living causes many people to become apathetic, frustrated, empty and unhappy. 

It is unbelievable to see how unable people are to perceive that they are not going to live forever and that the material things they seek and long for so much are going to stay here when they pass away.

It doesn't matter how much famous, "powerful" or millionaire you are. You're going to die like anyone else, be it a king or the poorest person on the street. 

Death does not understand about social classes. The only thing that truly matters is living your life to the best and to its utmost  while you can, enjoying all of its unique and "fleeting privileges".

 Be Hedonistic without being selfish, greedy or trifling.


El materialismo vacío que lleva a la mayoría de las personas a olvidar de la verdadera razón de vivir hace con que mucha gente se torne apática, frustrada, vacía e infeliz. 

Es increíble la incapacidad de la gente para perceber que no van a vivir eternamente y que las cosas materiales que tanto buscan van a quedarse aqui cuando se mueran. No importa cuan millorario seas, vas a morir como a cualquira, sea rey o el mas pobre de la calle. 

La muerte no entiende de clases sociales. Lo unico que verdaderamente importa es vivir la vida de la mejor manera posible mientra pueda y gozar de todos sus privilegios unicos y pasajeros. 

Ser Hedonista sin ser egoísta, avaricioso o futil y aprovechar la vida en toda su esencia.

Friday, March 22, 2024


There are many things that are superior to the common human being, like a genius, an Angel, a Saint, God. 

In the same way, we should invent a name for classical music because it is definitely not just an ordinary music like all the others. They were not made by ordinary people, consequently, it's by far superior to all and any kind of music ever made.

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is surely the soundtrack of heaven and revered by God himself, Jesus and all the Angels along with its creators.

When I think about our solar star, the Sun, that will reach the end of its life span within 4.5 billion years from now,  (Century XXI, March, 2024) what consequently means the end of the Earth, I only think about how we could save all these Masterpieces and each and every musical instrument of a Symphony Orchestra. 

I hope and wish that we have already conquered some other distant galaxy so that the powerful solar expolosion can never reach it.


Hay muchas cosas que son superiores al ser humano normal y corriente. Un Genio, un Angel, un Santo, Dios. 

Del mismo modo, deberíamos inventar un nombre para la musica clasica porque no es solo una musica normal y corriente como todas las demas. No fueron hechas por personas corrientes, consecuentemente, es muy superior a todo y cualquier clase de musica. 

La novena Sinfonía de Beethoven seguramente es la banda sonora del cielo y venerada por el mismísimo Dios, Jesus y los Angeles, juntamente con sus genios creadores. 

Cuando pienso en el fin de nuestra estrella solar daqui a unos 4,5 mil millones de años y, consecuentemente en el fin de la Tierra, solo pienso como podríamos salvar todas estas obras maestras y los instrumentos musicales de una Orchestra sinfonica. Espero que hasta allá hayamos conquistado alguna otra lejana Galaxia cuya explosión solar no la pueda alcanzar.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 I tried not to talk about this cursed scum of the Earth because all you can say about what they mercilessly did on October 7, 2023, is not enough and unforgiven.

It is unbelievable how many governments come to ask Israel to stop bombing Gaza.

That's absolutely negligibly and disgusting. 

Israel should NEVER ever hear their requests to stop the attack over hamas.

No single one of that cursed scum should remain on Earth at all. 

No word could describe how deeply terrifying this damned, despicable and wretched walking dregs are.  Sorry for the bad words.

No need to describe their evil and satanic behavior and modus operandi to destroy Israel. They are the most despicable and damned shit worm ever.

No negotiations!

No diplomacy!

No mercy!

Zero tolerance for terrorism!

Unfortunately war is a necessary evil. 

"Si vis pacem, para bellum". (If you want peace, be prepared for war.)

 Israel is not trying to destroy palestine people and nobody is saying to do so. But hamas and many other terrorist groups must be completely destroyed at all coasts.

Cultural, political and ideological differences are not any problem. The big problem is when there's a lack of respect and psychopaths want to rule and enforce their own laws on other people at all costs, even if they have to kill and commit crimes never ever imagined.

All those apathetic and cynical governments that criticize Israel for attacking the devil himself should join Israel and help it free all the hostages held by hamas and eliminate every single terrorist.

Just in case, I will repeat: every single terrorist, not palestine people.