Monday, September 16, 2019


It´s hard to believe but nowadays there are a lot o people who have no hygiene habits.
They live almost just like in the Middle Age where people usually didn't bath.
They are very dirty and stinky because their total lack of hygiene and self-neglect.

Only to talk about one of those famous kings and queens, the queen Isabel of Castilla took only two baths in her entire life, and the king James of Scotland never changed his clothes for months.
Kings Henry VIII and Louis XVI washed themselves only with a medical prescription.

People thought they could get sick and die if they do it.

But the point is that a lot of people died from infections because their dirtiness and lack of hygiene. As well as babies when women gave birth and during their short lives.

Despite public bathhouses were popular at that time in Europe, the clergy prohibited bathings due to promiscuity, (people used to meet up there and have sex) and only in the century XVII an annual bath became part of their lives once a year.

 Looking into documents a found a thirteenth century church one with this prohibition: “Hast thou washed thyself in the bath with thy wife and other women and seen them nude, and they thee? If thou hast, thou shouldst fast for three days on bread and water.” (Medieval English)

Psychiatry says  they might have a mental disorder when they just do not care about themselves and their personal hygiene. When they are totally self-neglect.

To call them "pig" wouldn't be enough because they have all at hand at the present days to be clean and they aren't.
Their houses seem to be a real pigsty.

Can you imagine those "pigs" working in a kitchen as a cook or in charge of a restaurant?
Dreadful and disgusting.
If they don't like and care about cleaning themselves and for themselves, would they about us?
Definitely not.
If they are dirty at home they are dirty everywhere.

This is the Law of Correspondence, which means that a patter will repeat throughout the Universe.

"As above, so below". 
"Above is the same way as below".
"Inside is the same way as outside".
This law can also be applied for it.

If we see someone whose hair and armpit or underarm is dirty and stinky, imagine how is below.

They just put our lives in risk because they never clean up or wash not even themselves, except once in a while.
It´s very easy to know it.
We only have to see their hands, shoes, hair, clothes and where they live.

All my deepest respect for all those peasants, farmers, mechanics, dustmen, bricklayers, painters and all professionals which job is not clean while they are working.

The Department of Health must be very severe (zero tolerance) against all these restaurants in a bad or critical conditions of hygiene.

These kind of people aren´t able to understand that they have a big problem, specially when they suffer from Diogenes Syndrome.

They really think it is normal not to take a bath or a shower everyday and be totally self-neglect.

There´s a Portuguese saying: "Poverty is not a flaw, but to be a dirty pig is".

Take care with places where you go and eat and let´s report any dirty restaurant, bar or public place when they are supposed to be clean and are not.

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