On this Labour day we should be introspective and wonder if we are happy with our jobs.
We also should never accept any kind of job exploitation.
Our main goal in this World is to be happy and I think we should begin doing the "right job".
If it isn´t so, we should pay attention to what the wise Confucius (551 —479 BC) once said.
A good and a high wage would be fine, but is not worth it when you are unhappy doing what you dislike.
I´ve known some people who have quit their jobs in order to do what they love and pursuit their dreams and goals.
This is such a great positive attitude!
"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life"
"Wȁhle einen Befuf den Du liebst und Du brauchst keinen Tag in Deinem Leben zu arbeiten"
"Choisis un travail que tu aimes et tu n´auras pas â travailler un seul jour de ta vie"
"Scegli un lavoro che ami, e non dovrai lavorare neppure un giorno in vita tua"
Wybierz pracę, którą kochasz a nie będziesz musial pracować ani jednego dnia w swoim źyciu."
"Elige un trabajo que amas, y nunca tendrás que trabajar ni un dia en tu vida."
"Escolha um trabalho que amas, e nāo terás que trabalhar nem um dia na tua vida".
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