Saturday, May 30, 2020

La Filosofía, el Marketing y los Tatuajes

La idea Platónica del bien es representada por el Sol.

El  Sol es el símbolo y la expresión "iluminada" del bién y de lo que es perfecto e ideal en el "mundo real".

"La Caverna" (La Obra Platónica) es justo el opuesto, es el mundo de la oscuridad, de las sombras.
La  hoguera dentro de la Caverna, como representación metafórica del Sol exterior, es la manifestación de ese mundo ideal y "real" (exterior) en el mundo ("interior") de las sombras. (Quien haya leído a Platón sabe de lo que se trata.)

 En prácticamente todas las Filosofías y creencias milenarias, la luz es el símbolo máximo de todo que es el bien y las trevas u oscuridad el símbolo de todo que es el mal.

Solo por citar, Confucio en el I Ching, +/- 1200 a.C. y el Ying y el Yang,  ("oscuridad y brillo", en chino) que remonta a más de 3000 años a.C.

O en la Biblia cuando el propio Jesús dice de modo muy claro y enfático: Juan 8:12.
"Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida"

Hasta el cine con personajes casi mitológicos como Darth Vader ("padre de la oscuridad") en Star Wars, que representa el lado oscuro o, lo que es lo mismo, el Mal.

Somos capaces de entender y aplicar los criterios de lo que es bueno y lo que es malo y lo hacemos de manera consciente.

Así como cuando alguien se hace un tatuaje con el símbolo del Mal, como satanás, por exemplo, lo hace consciente de lo que eso representa.
No lo hace inocentemente.

Si tú crees o no que el diablo existe y es o no la propia esencia del mal, no importa absolutamente.
Lo que deveras importa es que tal simbología del Mal absoluto existe como tal y está representada por esa figura Satánica, muchas vezes con rabo, cuernos y prominentes colmillos.

¿Qué lleva o hace alguien a tatuarse eses símbolos del mal absoluto hasta en la propia cara?

Una vez ví en Madrid a un hombre con un tatuaje bien grande en su frente con el número 666.
Esa es la inspiración y la  razón porque escribo sobre este asunto.

Todos sabemos que es lo que representa ese número. Es el número de la Bestia, el Gran Satán, símbolo máximo del Mal.
Como he dicho, lo que importa es su simbología como tal, no su creencia.

Un pensamiento, una idea, un concepto o una marca es, muchas veces, representada por un símbolo.
Y en el Marketing todo eso representa un valor incalculable y crucial como branding o marca.

Nadie se pondría una camiseta con la marca de un partido político con el cual no se identifica y no le representa porque detrás de ese logo o marca está un pensamiento, una idea, una ideología, un concepto y una filosofía.

Para la Psicología la importancia de un diseño o dibujo de un niño o de alguien es extremadamente util para conocer la personalidad, el carácter y la vida de la persona y todo su imaginario.

Todo lo que hacemos lo hacemos con un propósito y una intención.
Y tatuarse con lo que sea no es diferente.

Si nos tatuamos con el símbolo Nazi u otro igualmente representativo del mal, lo estamos haciendo conscientemente y significa que estamos PACTANDO con todo lo que eso representa.

Lo hacemos porque es lo que pensamos, deseamos y aceptamos como forma de vida.

Un tatuaje bien hecho con una temática normal y corriente, como la foto o nombre de un ser querido, una frase, un animal, un paisaje, una ciudad, lugar, una pintura o un símbolo significativo que evoca algo bueno, etc, es precioso y muchas veces una gran Obra de arte.

O sea, ( repito para que no malinterpreten o piensen que tengo algo en contra de los tatuajes) un tatuaje es realmente una grand obra de arte cuando representa algo bueno.

Una frase, un texto o una imagen que no eleva la mente, la consciencia, el alma y el espíritu humano genera todo tipo de males, como mental y emocional.

Nadie normal colocaría un cuadro o una enorme foto de un acto de violencia en la pared de su cuarto delante de su cama o la de alguien, en su oficina, salón o donde sea.
Eso provocaría graves disturbios psicológicos y emocionales.

 La evolución personal solo existe cuando se visa y se tiene valores humanos positivos como Justicia, virtudes, empatía, etc. frutos de una vida interior sana que se releja al exterior con cosas igualmente sanas.

Tatuarse cualquier cosa que representa el mal absoluto para la Humanidad o para si, no es normal y esa persona está, definitivamente, mal en todos los sentidos y necesita ayuda psiquiátrica.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Memory and Neuroscience

According to Neuroscience, memory (mental retention) is a very complex issue.

We have different types of memory, such as "episodic memory", (recall of personal facts),

 and semantic memory (recall of general facts).
 APA (American Psychological  Association)  Dictionary of Psychology.

And also Hyperthymesia (when people can remember absolutely everything of their life experiences in  detail).

Still in accordance with Neuroscience people who are overloaded with "bad" information are not able to learn because they are not focused on anything that is essential and important.

This is the biggest symptom that the brain of these people have a problem:

 Their ATTENTION to what others (parentsteacher, professor, partners, etc) say is absolute zero.

Their "emotional or affective memory" is also important.

All these have an impact in life of those people who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, (GAD), depression, mental disorders, etc.
They become negative, unable to trust, stressed, paranoic, mentally and emotionally unstable and unhappy. etc

Definitely they need a professional attention.

For example: children or any people who were victims of  war and bad people and flee to any safe country as a refugee and when they try to socialize they are totally unable to settle into a new life due to their memory full of  trauma.

Explicit emotional memory manifested when someone "re-experience" the original emotion engendered by an  event.  APA

To sum up, the cognitive skill of our brain to learn is only possible when we pay attention to what is really important.

Not to the memories stuck in the past full of distress and all negative stuffs described above.


Thursday, May 14, 2020


                                Thank YOU again and again Beethoven forever and ever!!
                                Thank YOU too Mozart and Wagner!!

Birthday gift:
It´s such a big and wonderful coincidence that my favorite Piano piece was premiered on March 10, 1785 at the Imperial Court and Vienna Royal Theatre in a Concert promoted by Mozart himself. He finished it the day before.
Definitely it was the best birthday gift ever far in advance nearly two centuries before I was born.
Thank YOU forever, Mozart.

Richar Wagner
Tannhouser overture

Friday, May 8, 2020


"One of the penalties for refusing
 to participate in politics is that you end up
 being governed by your inferiors".

Plato — Platón
(428 B.C.)

Today, 75 years ago, on May, 08, 1945 Germany surrender and the World War II is ended in Europe.
In Asia it would be in September with Japan´s surrender.

Now, 75 years later the World is still threatened by some crazy far right politicians like Hitler, who claims for the return and raise of militarism.

They simply crush and run over democracy going against all democratic Organizations and the Press.
An awful current exemple is the brazilian president taking part in many anti democratic events and claiming for a dictatorship.

After so many years is clear we still have a very long way ahead to go for an evolution.
Maybe through a revolution.
Evolution of all those sick minds.

I am sure the biggest evolution of mankind won´t be when we conquer the outer space and other Planets or find a "medicine" for every disease, but it will come when all these sick minded people no longer exist.

What I mean is not that everybody "agree with everybody", but they can be conscious about our differences, cultures, habits, beliefs, etc, and respect one another above all.

That NO Crazy arrogant Self Convinced and Self-Righteous man or woman may never think to be right about absolutely everything like if he/she were the ALMIGHTY owner of the absolute truth.

                                This is what a dictator and crazy people think:
                                   "They are the Almighty owner of all truth".

Believe it or not, these kind of people exist everywhere.
 Even in a relationship.⚤
And they are real monsters.
Emotional and mental "executioners / killers".

Poor fellow if you have the great misfortune to disagree with them on anything.
They literally get crazy and can attack and kill you.

So how can people trust in a psychopath, mentally unbalanced sick person who aims to get the power in politics or even to have a relationship?

It´s very easy to know these kind of mentally sick people and we must be AWARE not to vote them nor even to get emotionally involved with them.
They are not normal persons and are dangerous.

During this worldwide lockdown the physical, emotional and psychological harassment increased a lot in many countries.

Let's hope the world can have not only a clear and health atmosphere from now on, but more healthier minds as well, specially in politics, and that a third World War may never come.

Monday, May 4, 2020


"One of the penalties for refusing
 to participate in politics is that you end up
 being governed by your inferiors".

Plato — Platón.

Needless to say what a dictatorship means.
Brazil is going back to be a country under a dictatorship with this current president Bolsonaro, a man who was unfortunately elected by the majority of the people in a real democracy.

But democracy is seriously threatened by this totally antidemocratic, far-right and ultranationalist man.

This week, on the 4th of May he once again took part in an antidemocratic act in Brasilia, DF, in favor of the closure of the Parliament and the Supreme Court in Brazil.

A few days ago he also participated in another antidemocratic act claiming for the back of the AI-5,   (Institutional Act number five).

Politically speaking it would be the same if Angela Merkel had took part in any act claiming for the return of Nazism in Germany.

Or Pedro Sánchez standing up for the Franquismo in Spain and the Italian and Portuguese Prime Minister doing the same for fascism in Italy and Salazar in Portugal. (48 years of dictatorship)

The most  awful and awkward situation is that the Parliament has not voted for his impeachment yet.
That´s more than enough.

Yesterday, May 04, the Press, Journalists, photographers, camera-men, were cowardly assaulted in an all-out attack while they were working at this political event.

It was a coward and a violent crime against the Press and against Democracy.

It´s really hard to believe that crazy and far-right ultranationalist people are running for something in politics and can get the power.

It´s really hard to believe  that the World hasn't changed after the World War II and more crazy people still vote for this.
                                                              THE GUARDIAN

Friday, May 1, 2020


On this Labour day we should be introspective and wonder if we are happy with our jobs.

We also should never accept any kind of job exploitation.

Our main goal in this World is to be happy and I think we should begin doing the "right job".
If it isn´t so, we should pay attention to what the wise Confucius (551 —479 BC) once said.

A good and a high wage would be fine, but is not worth it when you are unhappy doing what you dislike.

I´ve known some people who have quit their jobs in order to do what they love and pursuit their dreams and goals.
This is such a great positive attitude!


"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life"


"Wȁhle einen Befuf den Du liebst und Du brauchst keinen Tag in Deinem Leben zu arbeiten"


"Choisis un travail que tu aimes et tu n´auras pas â travailler un seul jour de ta vie"


"Scegli un lavoro che ami, e non dovrai lavorare neppure un giorno in vita tua"


Wybierz pracę, którą kochasz a nie będziesz musial pracować ani jednego dnia w swoim źyciu."


"Elige un trabajo que amas, y nunca tendrás que trabajar ni un dia en tu vida."


"Escolha um trabalho que amas, e nāo terás que trabalhar nem um dia na tua vida".