We must demand what Earth demands: RESPECT the environment, respect the Earth, respect life.
Unfortunately not everybody understand that when they/we get together and stand up for a cause, we can win all and any government.
We must know that they are supposed to represent us and work for the majority. That´s the reason why they were elected for.
Once Karl Marx said: "Proletarier aller Lӓnder vereinigt Euch"
(Workers of all lands unite)
Nowadays we must change "workers/proletarians" for citizens, human beings of the whole world and demand a solution to save the Planet from such disgusting and awkward global degradation.
We must stop this as soon as possible and only together it will be possible.
We must fight as a fearless Samurai in order to get it done quickly.
Let´s support the NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and help them to fight for this Noble and important cause. (ONGs in Spanish and Portuguese)
Talking about the Planet we must have an International Court (and NATO) to demand and enforce the law in favor of its welfare.
A new Treaty much more effective than Kyoto treaty with an immediate and direct high impact on Earth.
Not in fifty years from now.
Still with Marx it would be interesting to know two or three of his quotes for a "global inspiration"
"The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
"The philosophers have interpreted the world in various ways, the point, however, is to change it."
"These words are also inscribed upon his grave".
We could change a bit and say that we have nothing lo lose but our Planet and we have a world to win. Literally.
The politician made empty laws and the point, however, is to change it
Let´s not allow the world become a grave and end up with empty words upon itself when we did not do anything to change it.
We definitely need a Global Revolution.
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