Useless to say that my mother, sisters and nieces are women, and I would never accept them being victims of machism.
The following questions are based on the Constitution law of a Democratic Country, Nation and Continent.
So it doesn´t depend on the criterion, belief, opinion or point of view issued by any feminist group.
To argue with them is totally useless seing that their capacity of inteligence is extremaly short and limited. (Talking about the fake feminists)
They love pretending to be and seem a victim of the society, system and of every man.
QUESTIONS: (directly asked to them)
1) Are you obliged to wear a hiyab (hijab) to cover your head all the time? (woman´s headscarf)
2) Aren´t you allowed to choose your own clothes and dress you up the way you want?
3) Are you forbidden to dress up as a Barbie, a princess, a peasant or even as a man if you wish?
4) Are you allowed to vote and be voted and become a member of Parliament, the Government or run even for President?
5) Can you be a member of the Judiciary and all its branches, like the Supreme Court?
6) Are you allowed to travel abroad without any prior lawful permition of a man?
7) Are you allowed to go out and meet as many man as you wish and stay up late?
8) Can you go out on your own to dance and drink as much as you want whenever and wherever you want to?
9) Are you obliged to get married being still so young?
10) Are you obliged to believe in God and obey any religious rules that you disagree with regardless of your will and belief?
11) Are you forced to date or marry the opposite sex?
12) Are you forbidden to have a relationship with the same sex?
13) Do you have the right to think, write and speak whatever you want against the Government, the System and the economic policies? (without being arrested, sentenced and lashed)
14) Are you allowed to drive and go everywhere whenever you want?
15) Can you have a social life?
16) Do you think you must have more rights and power over man just because you are a "poor victimized woman"?
17) Will you be sentenced to death if you are a whore?
18) Do you think the Goverment and people care if you go out on the streets with a pineapple or a watermelon over your head?
19) Do you think men are guilty for your embittered life and your existential crisis on your gender role?
20) Do you strongly believe that you still live in the Middle Ages or in Patriarchy times? (patriarchy is a totally old-fashioned word thay they like to use a lot to refer to a man.)
21) Can you make your own decisions whatever happens?
To all these questions is "ABSOLUTELY YES", and "NO! NO WAY! NOT AT ALL!"
So WAKE UP from your mental lethargy and torpor!
Maybe only the Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry can answer why they are so slow-witted and short-minded.
Totally unable to understand that their "feminine" conditions has nothing to do with those women who are real victims of machism and patriarchy.
As it is already said it doesn´t depent on their criteriom, belief, opinion or point of view.
What I am talking and writing about is absolutely based on the Constitution and Equality of rights under the law of all Democratic Countries and Nations in the Western World.
Article XIX. Amendment 19
"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of any State on account of sex."
Constitution. Article 14
"Man and woman are equal without any discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circunstance."
Constitution. Art.5.
"Men and women are equal in rights and obligations under this Constitution."
Article 13
Principle of equality
1. All citizens have the same social dignity and are equal before the law.
2. No one can be privileged, benefited, harmed, deprived of any right or exempt from any duty due to ancestry, sex, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological beliefs, education, economic situation, social status or sexual orientation.
See Article 26 on other personal rights.
Many Countries have signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and have the "Same Constitution" that guaratee the same equal rights in every Democratic country.
What for sure may change is the Article number but not the essence of the law.
For the fake feminists who think they still live in the Middle Ages or under a dictatoship in Europe with no FREEDOM of EXPRESSION, they should live in a real not democratic country and join the real victims of machism, dictatorship, injustice and lack of freedom of expression.
Thousands and thousands of men and women get together to travel abroad to see their soccer team playing.
This is what the REAL FEMINISTS should do:
To go to Iran and to every Iranian Embassy to fight for her (NASRIN SOTOUDEDH) and with her for a real cause.
To get together and stand for every women who really have NO HUMAN and NO WOMAN RIGHT in those countries where Democracy never existed.
These THEORETICAL FAKE feminists should be ASHAMED to call themselves feminists.
Their "real fake fight" is ONLY for gender role and for the right to kill babies in abortion.
It sucks! A bane for life.
This is the REAL FACE of the GENUINE fight in the World.
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