Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Martial Arts. A way of life. Principles

Martial Arts is not only to punch, hit or kick a punching bag.
It's much more than this. It has a deep philosophy and the main goal is to make you believe in yourself, to have a strong self confidence and teach you strive to be better and better to conquer all these traits. Besides the fact that you'll also have a deep respect for yourself and others and a very good health.
 Hardly ever someone who does Martial Arts will get involved with or go on any kind of drugs, such as alcohol, cigarettes, etc.

Its philosophy is based on five principles:
Self-control and
Indomitable spirit.
It brings numerous physical and mental benefits as well.

How can you achieve this?
Working out a lot each day. Tirelessly!
You can do it everywhere at any time. You'll know what's the best for you.

In my opinion Martial Arts is the second most useful sport in the World after swimming.
It's a wonderful way of life.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Hi, everyone!
You can also visit my Japanese blog.


Watashi no nihongo burogu mo kudasai

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Vegetarian and Vegan

Don´t eat animals, unless it´s a woman. 
The Most Beautiful animal in the World. ©Will alves
Adriana Lima. Brazilian top model.
No coma animales, a menos que sea una mujer.
El animal más bello del Mundo.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Planet, piggish people and politicians. Actions.

Politicians around the world should be worried about our Planet and its future.
Our welfare depends on it and not on material things or money only.

The environment, the seas, rivers, lakes, jungles and all the NATURE depend on us and we depend on them at the same time.
The quality of the "fresh air" in big cities is the worst ever. Bad for our lungs, eyes and health in general.

Plastic, oil spill and all kind of trashes in the Oceans and rivers is already a very sad "common and usual" reality in many places of the world.

Unfortunately part of the mankind itself is the one that is killing the Planet.
But there are others who are trying their (our) best to save it.
We must get together in order to stop and change this "massive Nature murder".

Politicians who are really involved in saving the Planet is outlier.
What should politician and the government do in order to stop and change that?

Creating and enforcing the law with prison and  high fines to Companies and everybody dropping litter and for industrial waste.
A special and severe law that obligate them to pay very high fine and clean and undo what they did against the nature and the environment.

Predictions are the worst for the future of the Planet, so let´s be an activist and get involved for real to change and save it.
 As someone already said: "we don´t have a Planet B".

There is a lot of dirty and short-minded people everywhere, and we can start doing our best telling them off.
To scold all those piggish and unconscious ones whenever we see them throwing out any plastic or trash in the nature, rivers, lakes, seas, etc.

Check this news on BBC about how hard is to breathe in India. ←

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Las Meninas

Las Meninas, (Little girls in Portuguese) those bridesmaids of the Infanta Margarita Teresa of Austria, (July 12, 1651, Madrid - March 12, 1673, Viena, Felipe´s IV daughter, present in Velázquez's famous painting, of the Baroque, finished in 1656, are in an open air exhibition in Madrid downtown.

The painting was made in oil on a canvas of 310 cm x 276 cm and it is in the National Museum of  del Prado, in Madrid, one of the best Museums in the world hands down.

There are over 50 original Meninas of 1.80 meters high created by many plastic artists, actors and actresses, chefs or athletes according the official tourism website of Madrid.
So whether you live in Madrid or you are visiting the City you can look for them everywhere and take a picture. These are a few ones I took so far.
The exhibition will be until November, 30, 2019. It's worthwhile to see it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


One of the things that  piss me off to the utmost is to see the destruction of our environment and how the governments do not care about it. Specially from the greatest countries like Brasil, USA, India and China, whose governments refused to make a commitment in order to preserve it and diminish the CO2 emissions.

How far will this greed for money go?
How long the Planet with its environment, Oceans, seas, rivers and jungles will live for?
How far will we allow these stupid men go destroying all these in our Planet?
How long are we going to stand aside and pretending nothing bad is going on?
When will we stand up for the Planet?

Let's ask and demand for actions and solutions.
Politics are elected to represent the people and work for what the majority need and want.
The day people really learn this and demand them to do so things will get better.

To preserve the Planet is not an option, it´s an urgent need.
I hope people around the whole world can do more and more often what they did this week in the entire world going out in big marches standing up for the Planet Earth.
All pictures here

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


                                                          S H A M E!!

With Mariano Rajoy, Spain was for almost one year without government.
Now the same again due to the interests of each "parputotido". (Neologism that I just invented)

DEMOCRACY means government of the people and for the people.
But the popular vote in Spain is worth ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.
The next general election in November, 2019, will cost almost 200 million euros.
The last one was held on April, 28, 2019 and turned out to be useless so far.

And what's the point if people vote and the final decision to have a govern is with all the elected parties?
That is all they want to or might think it is, but definitely this is not a real Democracy.
 Democracy is the "sacred" decision of the people who have voted and elected, whoever is.
 No matter whether we like it or not, we must respect it above all.



Con Mariano Rajoy, España se quedó casi un año sin gobierno. Ahora otra vez lo mismo por los propios intereses de cada "parputotido". (Neologismo que acabo de inventar)

 DEMOCRACIA significa gobierno del pueblo y para el pueblo.
 Pero el voto popular en España no vale ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA
Las próximas elecciones generales en noviembre de 2019 costará casi 200 millones de euros.
La última fue celebrada en abril y resultó ser inútil hasta ahora.

Y de que vale si la gente vota y la decisión final para gobernar está con los partidos electos?
Eso es todo, menos una verdadera democracia.
Democracia es la decisión "sagrada" del pueblo que ha votado y elegido, sea quien sea.
Nos guste o no, hay que respetarla por encima de todo.

Monday, September 16, 2019


I am extremely happy with my accomplishment this month of september, 2019.
Thanks to my excellent health it was possible. I dd it  many times before but I lost my prior data activity and only now I can do it again and keep it.
I walked 42 and then 43 km (26.719 miles) in two days.
This is hands down a reason to celebrate it and be overjoyed.


It´s hard to believe but nowadays there are a lot o people who have no hygiene habits.
They live almost just like in the Middle Age where people usually didn't bath.
They are very dirty and stinky because their total lack of hygiene and self-neglect.

Only to talk about one of those famous kings and queens, the queen Isabel of Castilla took only two baths in her entire life, and the king James of Scotland never changed his clothes for months.
Kings Henry VIII and Louis XVI washed themselves only with a medical prescription.

People thought they could get sick and die if they do it.

But the point is that a lot of people died from infections because their dirtiness and lack of hygiene. As well as babies when women gave birth and during their short lives.

Despite public bathhouses were popular at that time in Europe, the clergy prohibited bathings due to promiscuity, (people used to meet up there and have sex) and only in the century XVII an annual bath became part of their lives once a year.

 Looking into documents a found a thirteenth century church one with this prohibition: “Hast thou washed thyself in the bath with thy wife and other women and seen them nude, and they thee? If thou hast, thou shouldst fast for three days on bread and water.” (Medieval English)

Psychiatry says  they might have a mental disorder when they just do not care about themselves and their personal hygiene. When they are totally self-neglect.

To call them "pig" wouldn't be enough because they have all at hand at the present days to be clean and they aren't.
Their houses seem to be a real pigsty.

Can you imagine those "pigs" working in a kitchen as a cook or in charge of a restaurant?
Dreadful and disgusting.
If they don't like and care about cleaning themselves and for themselves, would they about us?
Definitely not.
If they are dirty at home they are dirty everywhere.

This is the Law of Correspondence, which means that a patter will repeat throughout the Universe.

"As above, so below". 
"Above is the same way as below".
"Inside is the same way as outside".
This law can also be applied for it.

If we see someone whose hair and armpit or underarm is dirty and stinky, imagine how is below.

They just put our lives in risk because they never clean up or wash not even themselves, except once in a while.
It´s very easy to know it.
We only have to see their hands, shoes, hair, clothes and where they live.

All my deepest respect for all those peasants, farmers, mechanics, dustmen, bricklayers, painters and all professionals which job is not clean while they are working.

The Department of Health must be very severe (zero tolerance) against all these restaurants in a bad or critical conditions of hygiene.

These kind of people aren´t able to understand that they have a big problem, specially when they suffer from Diogenes Syndrome.

They really think it is normal not to take a bath or a shower everyday and be totally self-neglect.

There´s a Portuguese saying: "Poverty is not a flaw, but to be a dirty pig is".

Take care with places where you go and eat and let´s report any dirty restaurant, bar or public place when they are supposed to be clean and are not.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

La Ciencia y las Personas Tóxicas.

Es muy interesante cómo la ciencia es muy similar a nosotros en muchos aspectos a nuestro comportamiento.
Al igual que los patógenos (los organismos malos) que atacan el cuerpo, los órganos y las células y causan enfermedades.
Todos esos patógenos, bacterias, virus, parásitos, hongos, "actúan de la misma manera" que las personas tóxicas.

Como los aerobios que requieren oxígeno para la respiración celular aeróbica y usan este oxígeno para oxidar sustratos (grasas y azúcares) para obtener energía.
De la misma manera que una persona tóxica necesita nuestra "energía" para "respirar y seguir "reduciendo, minando" nuestra salud, alegría y paz".

 Nada está bién o bueno para esos "patógenos" y siempre están de muy mal humor y lo único que saben y pueden hacer es atacarte para destruirte como un "virus mortal" que siempre cambia para peor.

Estas personas podrían llamarse o tener "Helicobacter pylori", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae", "Neisseria meningitidis", "Staphylococcus aureus", "Streptococcus". "Protozoos", etc,  como apellido o nombre. 
Hablando solo de bacterias. Todo el resto aparte.

Por lo tanto, debemos tener un "sistema inmune" muy bueno para una auto-defensa contra estos "patógenos".
El amor propio y la confianza en uno mismo es lo ideal para no permitirles actuar contra ti.

 Tolerancia ninguna a eso!
 Cero tolerancia contra su rudeza, groserías, mala educación  y arrogancia.
También la física tiene un papel importante en nuestras vidas, especialmente la tercera ley de Newton:

"Para cada acción, hay una reacción igual y equivalente".

Si alguien es amable y encantador, sé igual o más.
Si alguien es grosero y arrogante, sé mucho más.

Bueno, esa es mi propia ley.

Este es el único "lenguaje" que saben y  pueden entender en su arrogancia.
Por lo tanto, nunca trate de hablar con una persona tóxica, un terrorista o alguien sin normas y patrones morales y éticos.

¿Amarnos los unos a los otros? Por supuesto que estoy de acuerdo.
 Pero mucho más importante es respetar.
 Pero también estoy de acuerdo cuando Jesús mismo dijo:

                                    "NO ECHEN  PERLAS A LOS CERDOS".

Significa no perder el tiempo y las cosas buenas con personas que nunca los apreciarán.
Y esto es algo muy inteligente y sabio para decir.

Ese es un excelente enlace con un artículo sobre gente tóxica.

Science and Toxic people

It's  very interesting how science is very similar to us in many ways to our behavior.
Like the Pathogens ( the bad organisms) that attack the body, organs and cells and bring disease.
All those Pathogenous, bacterias, viruses, parasites, hongos, "act the same way" as toxic people.
Like the Aerobes that require oxygen for aerobic celular respiration and use this oxygen to oxidize substrates (fat and sugars) to get energy.

The same way a toxic person needs our "energy" to "breath and keep reducing our health, joy and peace"
 Nothing is well or good for those "Pathogens" and they are always in a very bad mood and the only thing they know and can do is to attack you to destroy you like a  "mortal virus" always changing for worst.

They are always complaining about everything all the time.
Even for the steam (water vapor) of the physics vaporization process when the water is boiling.
Crazy and hard to believe but this is true.

These people could be called or have "Helicobacter pylori", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae", "Neisseria meningitidis", "Staphylococcus aureus", "Streptococcus". "Protozoos", etc as a surname or a name.
Talking only about bacterias. All the rest apart.

So we must have a very good "immune system" for a self defense against these Pathogens.
Self love and self confidence not to allow them act against you.

No tolerance at all against them.
Zero tolerance against their rudeness and arrogance.

Also Physics has an important role in our lives, specially Newton's third law:

"For every action, theres is an equal and opposite reaction".

If someone is kind and lovely, be the same or more.
If someone is rude and arrogant, be much more.

Well, this is my own lay.

This is the only "language" they are able to understand in their arrogance.
So never try to talk to a toxic person, a terrorist or someone with no moral and ethical standards and patterns.
To love one another? Of course I agree.
 But much more important is to Respect
 But I also agree when Jesus himself said:

                                    "DO NOT CAST  PEARLS BEFORE SWINE".

It means not to waste your time and good things on people who will never appreciate them.
And this is something very intelligent and wise to say.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Classical Music and Masterpieces. A Balm for our souls

"Without music, life would be a mistake".

Friedrich Nietzsche was absolutely right when he said this.

 According to the Scriptures, even God loves it. "He said to play and sing songs in his honour and for his joy."
Also in the wilderness  many mammals and animals seem to sing (and they do) in special moments.

Thank God for all these Genius who came down from heaven to make the world much more pleasant with their amazing Masterpieces.

It's really very hard to make a list of all your favorite songs and musicians.
These are a few ones (of a short list)  that I always listen to almost everyday.
 For sure someone is missing but I did my best and here it is.

Richard Wagner
 (Specially Tannhäuser and Ride of the Valkyries, Lohengrin: Bridal Chorus),

Rachmaninov  (Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini),

Ludwig Van Beethoven 
 (ALL, specially Symphony No 9 and 6, Pastoral, Piano Concert #5),

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
 (all, specially Concert for piano No 21 and 40 Clarinet Concet in A major,K622)

Johann Strauss 
 (All, specially Blue Danube, Voice of Spring)

 Symphony No 5. "Adagietto", and Symphony No 1,  "The Titan"

Giuseppe Verdi  
(All, specially Nabucco, La donna è mobile (Rigoletto), "Aida", "La Traviata"),
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e48viAGu9TY  💓😍😍
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu7zWrIMV_g   (Pavarotti)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dKSJ2aH1BQ  (Placido Domingo, Villazon, Anna Nebrebko)

Antonio Vivaldi
 (All, specially Four Seasons),

Franz Schubert
 "Serenade", Ave Maria.

Johann Sebastian Bach
 (All, specially Suite No 3 and Canon)

 (Specially Messiah),

 (Specially Concert for Piano No 1, Nutcracker and all) Overture 1812),

Franz Liszt 
specially Liebestraum No.3,

Gioacchino Rossini
 (specially The Barber of Seville, William Tell, Overture),
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mVfVaqGZnQ (Orchestra)

Giacomo Puccini
(Opera Turandot - "Nessun dorma" and "Madame Butterfly"),

George Bizet
 (Opera Carmen),

Edvard Grieg
(specially "Peer gynt: morning mood),

Luigi Boccherini
 specially Minuet in G), 💓😍😍

Johannes Brahms
 specially Hungarian dance No 5, "Cradle song, Lullaby),

Carl Orff
"Carmina Burana")

Amilcare Ponchielli
 "Gioconda; Dance of the hours),

Johann Pachelbel
 (Canon in D)

Maurice Ravel

Aran Khachaturian
  Sabre dance. (Sword dance)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JlGS1m1PL4 (full version)

Franz Von Suppé
 "Light Cavalry"

Felix Mendelssohn
 "Wedding march".

Giacomo Puccini
 specially "O mio babbino caro"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi-oSnGfRM4  (Maria Callas)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v_0c783Xi0   (Anna Nebrebko)

Pietro Mascagni
 "Cavalleria Rusticana"

Jacques Offenbach,
"Infernal galop" and "Orpheus", "Barcarolle"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u0M4CMq7uI  💓😍😍

Vincenzo Bellini
"Casta Diva"

Cesar Franck
(Lyrics by Santo Tomás de Aquino / Tommaso d`Aquino: 1225-1274)
Panis angelicus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U9gIr5aIyU  💓😍😍

Monday, August 26, 2019

Contradictions and enigmas

Some biggest contradictions and enigmas.

1) that you need a page marker.
If you can't remember the number of the page of a book that you are reading how can you suppose you´ll  remember the whole story?
Why can you remember all you have read and not only one (1) number of a page?
To me this is really one of the biggest paradox and enigmas.

2) The lottery seller / ticket vendor:
 Why are they not rich if they could pick up one of all the different numbers they have to sell?

3) helmet for parachuting.

4) Life jacket/vest for airplanes.

5) When someone mark all the pages of the book with a colour marker.

6) When someone is totally naturalist, and eat only bio products because of the "poison" that contains all other products that is not bio, but use very poisoned drugs with over 70 cancer substances as a cigarette and smoke it.
When someone is vegan and smoke.
 (I need the "brain" of Tesla, Einstein, Galileo, Michelangelo, etc. all together to understand this.)

7) When someone don't have coffee for its caffeine and religion reason but have Coca-Cola.

8) When criticize a whore for being a whore but would do the same for one million dollars.
 It's only a question of price for different whores. But a prostitute likewise.

9) When your partner says that she wants you to come from abroad to live with her and you tell her that you received a job offer and then she tells you to discuss the conditions of this contract.

( Can someone be Omnipresent? Be at two different places at the same time?)

10)  When Socialism and Communism should be what indeed it is supposed to be and it is nothing than a mere dictatorship.

11)  Feminist that is "against all the men in the world" but would like to have a penis.
       (Freud was right) ...

12) To pretend to be a Christian and be a lier.

13) When someone says to be against drugs but he/she smokes and drink alcohol.

14) When your partner says you don't need to repeat  what you have told already but she does it one billion times.

15) When a supposed democratic state is not really democratic and elections worth nothing at all because the one whom people voted for will not rule due to the Parliament disagreement.

16) When someone says that want a stable and a serious relationship but not to get married.

17) When she wants to feel loved and makes you feel bad when you give her a gift and she says that you want to change her because you don't like the way she is.

18) When she's not a keen student at all and blames you not to let her study.

19) When she doesn't want to get pregnant but tells you that she's 100% sure that she will if you have sex with her now and make it. (no condon)

20) When you ask her only one question and she replies that you are like in an interrogation and she sends you a PDF with almost two hundred questions that she wants to know about you.

21) People that want to take care of  their health and drink "zero- zero" or only light drinks but smoke ten cigarettes in half an hour.

22) People who want to have a stable and serious relationship as a partner but want to live in different house.

23) Someone who wants to be alone to "study hard" and pass an exam but also wants to live/share a house with other five people.
They might be totally lost and don´t know what they are living for.

24) A woman who's shy or ashamed of being in underwear near other men or people but wear a tiny bikini or tanga at the beach and then is no longer  shy.

25) When supposed feminists says they do not like machist man who want them to cook and do the laundry, the dishes, cleaning, etc.
but this is exactly what they want from a man to do for them. Is this normal? Not at all.

26) A sick-minded who thinks he is better than everybody even when he knows that he is going to die the same way as the poorest man.

27) Someone who thinks he/she is the "owner of the absolute truth" but do not know that he/she is a brainless "piece of shit" for being so arrogant.

28) When you tell someone not to do what you do.
This stupid one should know that an example is worth more than one thousand words.

29) When people go on a diet today and eat double tomorrow.

30) Someone who claims to be a "communist" but love a luxury life and all that the Capitalism can give them. By the way, "Communism" never ever existed. Only tyrants that used its name for their own political purpose for a dictatorship.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dictatorship and tyrant monsters

Nothing can cause us more pain than the death of a beloved one. But God was absolutely wise when "He condemned every man to die". 
Can you imagine all those/these sick minded tyrant since from the beginning of the humanity until the present days (2019) living forever? 
Like this racist mentally sick Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini that thinks "he is God"  not allowing The Open Arms rescue boat and any other boat with migrants to disembark in Italy.
Those boats are full of desperate, "hopeless" and wounded people. 
They feel wounded not only in their fleshes, but also in their souls because all of them are victims of the misery and the tyranny of the government in the countries where they are running from. 
Real Monsters in the power committing genocide.

Why ONU and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)  don't do anything to bring down all these crazy tyrants?
What are they waiting for?
A bigger genocide?
WHY to allow those tyrants do whatever they want to?

Diplomacy is good when it works with a DEMOCRATIC government.
The "same", similar Allied Forces / Powers (the anti-Nazi coalition) is necessary to bring those bloody tyrannical government down.
We can't watch what's happening and be impassive just because it's not our country.
We are talking about people, human beings. 
Their origen is not important at all.
They are just human beings, and absolutely no damned racist or xenophobic is "God" to give any political order not to help and save lives.

So we could come to a conclusion that "death is the fairest" thing after all because it exists for all and it doesn't care how
"powerful, rich or tyrant one can be.
Sooner or later it will come.

It would be pretty good and fair if someday this damned italian minister were adrift in the sea and couldn't be rescued or disembarked anywhere. 
"To give him the same medicine". 
"An eye for an eye".

we can see pain, grief, fear, distress, suffering and desperation in this hug and eyes.

©Guglielmo Mangiapane / Reuters   

Friday, July 26, 2019

Modus faciendi - Hedonism

Nothing on Earth worth more while than enjoying your own life and everything you do.
Life would be much easier and happier to those unhappy ones who hardly can enjoy their own lives.
If there's something you are deeply in love with or can't live without, this is something you must do: your best in order to get it.

Not to fight for "material and supeficial things" that's not important at all.
Life is much more than a nice house and car.
The story of Midas, the king, is a perfect and wonderful "tale" to show us this.

Nobody can be really happy if they don't do  what they wish indeed. It doesn't matter how rich you are.
 I've seen many people who stopped doing what they were used to living in big cities, with a very "confortable life", and going to live by the Sea or in the country side changing totally their
"Modus Faciendi" (your way of life).

They became much happier and this is the most important in the end. No money in the world is worthy it.

This is my simple list.
This is what I really deeply love and care about:
This is what really makes me very happy.

1) The Sea, Nature
2) Piano
3) Literature
4) Walking a lot
5) Martial Arts
6) Travel
7) Women
8) My family.

What is yours?

Doing what you love the most indeed is priceless.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Everlasting love

Does love last forever?
This is such a big question. Maybe the answer is  not only one. It depends on many things. 
We can see many people around the world celebrating their "silver and golden weddings" (25th, 50th wedding anniversary) and they say they still love each other.
What's the "secret" then to achieve this and make it last forever?
The majority of them say that you need Patience and respect above all.
And though I haven't experienced this yet, I could say they are right, otherwise this could never be achivied or reached by all this people who did.
I am "quite sure" it won't be possible for this and future generations, seeing that we became "intolerant" and superficial.
But despite this I strongly believe love can last forever for a few lucky people.
Unfortunately we've lost this magic and powerful feeling.
Let's hope we can get it back someday.
Let's believe that's possible for our "lost generation.
We only need to believe.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Disposable love and relationships

"And They Lived Happily After" is a very romantic and irrealistic "Happy end" to a love story which is part, nowadays, only to the "Fairy Tale" movies and novels.

There are a lot of descriptions for a true love in the literature, but no one is so simple and perfect as in the Bible:
( "Inspired by God Himself") - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

This is really an amazing and a wonderful full description of love.
The main goal of every human being is to be happy. Even the worst person in the World wants to be happy in the end.
But we are living upon a time, an age or a Century where the "Pledges or Vows of Eternal Love" is totally superficial, empty and ephemeral.

We "change of love" as if we were changing of clothes and all the words above have no meaning in a relationship which is totally empty leading people to frustation and unhappiness, and many are getting depressive in this sick society full of "disposable love" and relationships.

Is a spat enough to break up and not keep this or any relationship with "patience, kindness, love and perseverance" as described above?

It is not worth to keep it when it is with a very "toxic person".
When you are with someone who is totally paranoic.
Also totally neurotic, unable to respec any other different opinion or point of view with a strong arrogance as an "absolute owner of the truth".
And when this people can also be very agressive, including physically. Yes, there are women like this and they love to make themselves the victms.
Thank God these women are not the majority.

Where is this love we are supposed to feel and fight for with Perseverance and Patience to keep it?
"Why can we change it so easily?
Have we became "insensitive"

If this is like this, so this is clearly the "Involution" of our behaviour pattern.

What should we do so that these words can be real in our lives and love indeed?
And not empity words after all?

We should or must learn and know the difference between Freedom and Debauchery,

Unfortunatelly not everyone will overcome all the negativity of the present days because they are already sick and taken by this empty life of "disposable relations and feelings".
This is no "Emotional Evolution of the Species" at all.

Instead of loving each or one another people are used to boost their own Ego and so they/ we end up in this "sick endless cirle" always searching for a true love or a steady relationshiop.

But never is too late to believe in "They Lived Happily After" and write it in your own love story.

Holidays in the Island

When you are supposed to meet up someone you know but you end up spending all your time with someone who came down from Heaven.
A good person always meet nice people everywhere.

A German Muse!!